Our teams accomplished so much last month, and there are lots of exciting developments ahead!
We think the best way to share it with you is to show you. Keep reading for photos and videos of our six active build sites across the Portland region.
Century Commons
Building 1: In the thumbnail above; ready for volunteers to do trim.
Building 2: Portland Youth Builders are installing flooring and then will work on trim.
Building 3, 4 and 7: Getting drywall and will be ready for trim in mid-February.
Building 5: Almost done! Attic insulation complete and volunteers are finish trim.
Building 8: Just got weather-resistant barrier applied and will get siding soon.
These 18 units will hopefully be ready for homeowners in the late fall!
King City Commons
These 16 homes near Tigard continue to come together nicely! Scroll through the gallery above for update on all three buildings.
Earth Advantage tests for energy efficiency are on the horizon, and certificates of occupancy could come this month.
West Lake Grove
Building permits were issued on January 31 and house excavation is underway in Lake Oswego!
They’re digging and compacting in preparation for foundation pouring, which is anticipated later in February.
Core volunteers recently helped complete renovations on the job trailer, which now boasts beautiful Habitat-blue siding.
We’ve opened an interest list for new construction volunteers for West Lake Grove. Sign up here to be notified when orientations start at this site.
Twenty-Fifth Terrace
The big focus here has been storm water management — emphasis on BIG. These corrugated metal pipes are HUGE!
They will collect rainwater away from our future houses, to flow through manholes and away from the site.
Myrtlewood Way
In Gresham, the curb and approach are done; all public asphalting is finished.
Up next: foundations and slabs! We’re targeting mid-March to go vertical, meaning all undergound work will be complete.
Gooseberry Trails
We’ve been making inroads… quite literally! Our team has been working on the private roads within our largest planned community.
Stay connected with our progress on social media, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more video updates!