
Oregon Opportunity Network Honors Habitat with Strides for Equity Award

Habitat for Humanity Portland Metro/East was the proud recipient of the Strides for Equity Award at the Oregon Opportunity Network 2011 Awards Gala on September 12. Strides for Equity recognizes an organization that works hard at making their communities more equitable, including ensuring that Oregon’s hardworking families have an opportunity to build better lives. Habitat was selected as the winner of this award not only because they are one of the only organizations in the Portland Metro area that offers homeownership opportunities to families making as little as $21,900 (for a family of 4), but also because Habitat has also sold 80% of its homes to minority homeowners.
“We actively do outreach in our communities, partner with organizations that work with minorities and offer homeownership opportunities to families in neighborhoods that need it most,” said Steve Messinetti, President and CEO of Habitat. “We are honored to receive this award, but know that the need to serve our community is greater than ever before. We look forward to continue partnering with even more hardworking families and helping these communities move from a vulnerable and fragile economic position, to a position of strength.”

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