Building Stability – Updates from our Build Sites

Cully Place

After breaking ground in May, Cully Place construction is underway. What was once a mound of dirt is now a solid foundation for 15 Habitat homes. Subcontractors excavated the site, plumbers laid pipes, and staff, volunteer and subcontractor crews have poured four of the six building foundations.

“We’re working here in the neighborhood of Cully, which is one of Portland’s largest and most racially diverse neighborhoods,” says Construction Crew Leader, Ian Gallager. “We’re building new affordable homes to give folks more opportunities to build stability for their families here in the neighborhood.”

Future homeowners from both Cully Place and Brooklyn Pines have worked alongside volunteers and crew members to build this thriving community. Two duplexes will be ready for roof installation by late-September. Cully Place will be composed of three triplexes and three duplexes surrounding a parking lot. There will also be a grassy area for the families to decide how to use: perhaps a community garden or a playground for the neighborhood kids. Stay tuned for more updates.

Brooklyn Pines

Construction at Brooklyn Pines is in full force! With the first four homes finished and fully landscaped, subcontractors are installing sheetrock on six units to get ready for the finishing phases. Concrete pouring and asphalt installation for a centralized parking lot has also begun; starting the countdown to the November 3rd dedication, where Habitat families receive keys to their new homes.

The homes are located in the Jade District, a program of the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO) that focuses on community development work in the neighborhood around Southeast 82nd Avenue and Division Street. They take a comprehensive approach to helping the neighborhood develop without displacing the residents and businesses in the neighborhood. Habitat crews strive to preserve affordability. The finished result will be 10 multi-family homes with cozy backyards and surrounding greenery.

“We’re helping the neighborhood values,” says Construction Supervisor, John Keenan Mudrick.

We can’t wait to hand over the keys to the Habitat families who have worked endlessly to achieve their dreams of homeownership.

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