Community steps up to replace stolen equipment

Detail on build site/Columbia,South Carolina/1.2MB
Two weeks ago construction staff at Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East arrived at Glisan Gardens, our newest build site at NE 165th & Glisan Street to find that both tool trailers had been broken into and thousands of dollars in tools and equipment had been stolen. Because Habitat relies on these materials to build homes with hardworking, working-class families and community volunteers, our construction efforts were halted until we could replace the stolen tools.
Luckily, we have an incredibly supportive community behind us who responded with generosity to this unfortunate theft. Within days of the theft, community members and organizations stepped in to donate tools, money, and time to help get Habitat back to building. The outpouring of support has been overwhelming, and Habitat would like to thank the following for their contributions:
B&G Builders
Parr Lumber
Deacon Corp.
Noyes Development Co.
Ferguson Plumbing
Macadam Flooring and Design
and many individual donors
From all of us at Habitat, we sincerely thank you!

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