Equity Statement

**This is a living document, regularly reviewed, reimagined, and revised based on the current needs of our team and our communities.**  

Habitat envisions a community of staff, partners, and supporters who are deeply committed to furthering equity, inclusion, and anti-racism in every facet of our organization.    

We commit to implementing personal, cultural, and institutional goals and strategies that continuously evolve to meet the needs of our community.   

We believe that everyone deserves a decent place to live and equitable access to housing.  We acknowledge the colonization of Indigenous land and the discriminatory history of housing. These injustices excluded, silenced, and exploited Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), and other marginalized communities and continue to cause harm today.  

We recognize that as a majority white-led organization, Habitat is not yet reflective of those with whom we partner; largely Black, Indigenous, Latine, refugee, and immigrant communities. Habitat commits to continually and intentionally evolve our policies and practices to interrupt complicity in institutional, cultural, and individual racism and oppression—and to create a place of true belonging and mattering for people of all identities.   

We are building an organization where people of every race, ethnicity, nationality, faith, economic status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual identity, age, size, and ability are not only welcomed, but centered and celebrated.  

Investing in an internal culture that reflects the values and needs of our community ensures that those most affected by racism and oppression are prioritized and actively involved and/or leading our decision-making processes. Through the inclusion and centering of diverse perspectives, people, and cultures, we will become a stronger, more impactful, and resilient organization.  

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