Habitat Rocks the Block in Cully

Rock the Block 10.24 (33)On October 24th, Habitat staff and students from Concordia University gathered in Cully for another edition of Rock the Block. Volunteers from all over Portland spent the morning repairing neglected roads in the community, ensuring local residents have a safe and usable street to enjoy.
Based on submissions received through September, Habitat chose two blocks for repair based on the condition of the roads and the voices of the residents who live there. The selected blocks, 64th Ave. between Prescott and Going, and 62nd Ave. between Prescott and Cully Boulevard, suffered from numerous potholes and sharp edges, making them incredibly difficult to navigate. Homeowners expressed concern that, since these streets were often heavily trafficked by pedestrians, the potholes presented a real danger to anyone walking.
With snacks from Miss Zumstein’s Cakes & Desserts, Starbucks on NE 15th & Fremont, and Grand Central Bakery, volunteers worked hard through the morning, quickly filling holes and spreading asphalt. By midday, the blocks were smooth and safe, ready for any type of vehicle or pedestrian to navigate safely. A resident of the neighborhood exclaimed that she couldn’t wait to ride her bike down the street, and expected to see a lot more bike traffic now that the roads were free of potholes.
Rock the Block is an arm of Habitat’s greater Neighborhood Revitalization work in Cully which includes new home construction, home repairs, and neighborhood preservation projects that help keep at-risk homeowners protected as Cully faces gentrification. To find out more, visit https://habitatportlandmetro.org/programs/neighborhood-revitalization/
Rock the Block 10.24 (54) Rock the Block 10.24 (30)

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