Helensview Project Kicks Off With a Block Party

Helensview Block Party (32)
On July 16th, Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East celebrated the beginning of our newest project with a community block party! The Helensview site is located in the Cully neighborhood at NE 64th Ave & Killingsworth Court. When completed in 2016, Helensview will be home for 20 local families.
The Helensview Block Party offered a chance for the community to learn more about Habitat’s program while meeting friends and neighbors at the site where Habitat will start building soon. The evening featured games, activities, a community art wall, music, food, and more fun! Guests were entertained by local dancers and musicians while chowing down on local homemade tamales.
The Helensview project is a part of Habitat’s larger Neighborhood Revitalization, which aims to stabilize at-risk neighborhoods by providing new affordable homeownership, home repair, and weatherization opportunities to low-income residents. In our current focus neighborhood, Cully, Habitat seeks to transform the neighborhood while ensuring current residents have the opportunity to stay. Habitat is excited to get to work at Helensview, working alongside partner families as they help build their new homes with volunteers and staff.

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