Notice for Volunteers During Inclement Weather

Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East builds rain or shine!  However, our area sometimes gets weather that makes traveling and construction unsafe. If you are signed up to volunteer when the weather turns for the worse, please read the following information on what to do.
In the event of an unscheduled closure of our construction sites or the Habitat office, a notice will be accessible by calling our Volunteer Notification number at 503-517-8935. This number will have a recorded message concerning site closures or delays by 7:00 A.M. on the day of the event.
Please note that Habitat follows the inclement weather policy of Portland Public Schools during the work week and also records notices at this number and posts them to our website on Saturdays.
Volunteers are encouraged to call this notification number and use their best judgement before heading to their volunteer position if they feel inclement weather might prevent traveling to site or building safely.

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