Commissioner Nick Fish and Portland Housing Bureau builds with Habitat

On Friday, August 20,  staff members from the Portland Housing Bureau ventured out to Habitat’s Lents Landing  site for a sunny build day as part of Habitat for Humanity’s Team Builders program.
Team Builders program offers corportate groups the chance to step out of the cubicle, look away form the computer screen, build camaraderie and HAVE FUN! The 20 member group helped by painting and nailing up siding on the final four homes that will soon complete the southeast Portland neighborhood. Commissioner Nick Fish and his Policy Director Daniel Ledezma were on hand and did a great job measuring dozens of windows for mini-blinds. PHB Director Margaret Van Vliet swung a mean paint brush and lead a crack team in finishing ceilings in two homes.
Portland Housing Bureau is doing important work to advance policies and programs to address myriad housing issues in Portland, from homelessness to homeownership. Habitat appreciates its longstanding relationship with PHB and welcomes other partners to join us as Team Builders and put down that phone and pick up a hammer!
For more information about bringing your group out for a Team Builders day, click here or contact Tor Ostrom at or 503-287-9529  x12.

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