Nothing was ever the same after that joyful day when Ther Moo and Saw Gler found out they were approved to purchase an affordable home through Habitat for Humanity. Their previous worries of living in a rough neighborhood, increasing rental prices, and the possibility of being evicted on a whim evaporated into the distance. The family feels happy knowing that they’ll have stability over their home and control over their destiny.
Before living in the United States, Ther Moo and Saw Gler lived in the war-torn country of Myanmar (Burma) where they experienced continual danger to their family’s life and home. They both remember the day when the military burned their home down during the civil war. They were able to escape and sought refuge within the U.S which they are grateful for.
“We would like to thank America government a lot that allowed us to resettle in America,“ Ther Moo said.
They’ve come a long way to build a new, sustainable life and now they have the opportunity of owning a safe and affordable place to call their own. When asked how they managed to stay resilient in the face of hardship and obstacles, Saw Gler said:
“God protects us. That is why we are safe…Strength comes from God because when we stayed in our country, we faced a lot of problems. We have faith in God so we never fail.”
Ther Moo and Saw Gler are excited to move out of their current apartment and into Cherry Blossom, a new 31-home community in Portland’s vibrant Mill Park neighborhood.
Today, Ther Moo and Saw Gler devote themselves to raising their three school-aged children, who attend school remotely. Saw Gler also balances the responsibility of serving as a pastor at a local church, and holds a second job as a laundry mat operator. Despite the hardship and instability that they endured while living in their home country and transitioning to America, they find the strength to keep moving forward by holding their faith in God.
The family is looking forward to moving into their new home – even their eldest daughter, Plo So, who is eight-years-old, is looking forward to having her own space. She says she is excited to decorate it and have a place to keep her books organized.
Even though the memories of their old apartment will stay put when she moves, she will bring with her the foundational structure her parents have built for her and her siblings: resilience, faith, and strength.
Habitat is working alongside Ther Moo and her family to build the stability they’ve sought for so long. Because of this, they are able to establish grassroots within a safe community in Portland at an affordable cost. They will soon live in a safe neighborhood and raise their children in a supportive environment. When all is done, they will get to sit back and say, we’re finally home.