Third ReStore Location Opening Soon on the West Side

Photo credit: Timothy Elliott

Three years ago, the Portland Metro ReStore developed a plan to open two additional locations by 2011. The Clark County Habitat for Humanity Store opened in Vancouver, Washington, in March 2009 and was an immediate success. Habitat is thrilled to announce that preparations are well underway to open the Washington County ReStore at 13475 SW Millikan Way in Beaverton this April. The combined proceeds from these three Portland metro area ReStores represent an important source of funding to support Habitat’s home building efforts.
Alex Bertolucci, Washington County ReStore Manager, Colleen O’Toole, ReStore Volunteer Coordinator, and Joe Connell, ReStore Director, are busy transforming the empty space into a well-designed, well-stocked ReStore. Among the first things they need are a box truck, a forklift and volunteers to help set up the store. If you’d like to help with donations of new or gently used houseparts or would like to volunteer, please call 503.906.3823. Look for ReStore updates on Facebook and on the ReStore blog at

Opening Spring 2011

Washington County ReStore
13475 SW Millikan Way
Beaverton, Oregon 97005

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