Updates from our work in the Cully Neighborhood

Breaking ground at Cully Place!


Dedication at Helensview

On Thursday, July 12th, three families will receive the keys to their newly completed homes at our Helensview community and you’re invited! That leaves two more homes to complete this summer as we finish up our construction efforts on this 21-home project in Cully. In addition to their brand new, energy-efficient homes, Habitat homeowners at Helensview have access to six different schools, several parks, and two major bus lines. Come join the celebration!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

Breaking Ground at Cully Place!

We are beyond excited to announce that permits are in hand and we’ve broken ground on 15 new affordable homes at our Cully Place build site! The footings, under-slab plumbing, and foundations have been completed. The site will be ready for volunteers and framing in the coming weeks. Check out our volunteer site to register for volunteer opportunities.

Habitats Ongoing Commitment in the Cully Neighborhood

Habitat for Humanity is committed to providing Cully residents with homeownership and critical home repairs to help prevent the displacement of residents. Additionally, Habitat’s neighborhood revitalization efforts in Cully provide an opportunity for people most likely to be displaced by gentrification to be involved in improving the quality of life in their neighborhood. Along with Living Cully partners and residents, our team played an active role in the planning phase of the newly launched Cully Park. Additionally, we are partnering with another nonprofit to utilize one of our Cully properties for a temporary garden and farming apprenticeship program. Together, we are creating a shared vision of what revitalization looks like in Cully.

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