Volunteer Spotlight: Lil Maizer

Lil Maizer has been a weekly volunteer at Habitat for almost two years. Starting with no building experience, Lil has now helped build homes from foundations to finish work. We can count on Lil to help lead other volunteers and make everyone’s build day more enjoyable.
Lil retired from the military in 2007. Now she spends her time working from home and helping veterans all over the country. “I am certified in a technique called Emotional Freedom Technique. I work with others in resolving post-traumatic stress.”
When Lil is not working or volunteering, she also likes taking trips abroad, sight-seeing, and learning about different cultures. “I look forward to signing up for an international build.”
Lil was looking for another volunteer opportunity when she learned about Habitat for Humanity. ”I love Habitat’s mission so it was a pretty natural fit. What I really love about Habitat is they offer a hand up, not a hand out.” Lil has worked with and gotten to know several future homeowners while volunteering for Habitat. “It really touches my heart to be working alongside a mom with 3 kids at home.” Her favorite part about volunteering is interacting with the site supervisors, Americorps members, homeowners, and other volunteers.
“What I take away from my volunteer experience is that you can be concerned about what’s going on in the world, and you can also be involved.”

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