Want To Donate Stock to Help Families in Need? We’ll Show You How!

A gift of stock or mutual funds before December 31, could be your best way to maximize tax savings and meet your charitable giving goals this year.

Even if your stocks have lost value since you purchased them you can receive tremendous tax advantages. The key is in how you give the securities. Consult with your financial advisor and consider the following tips.
The Smart Way to Give Depreciated Stock
For stocks that have lost value (depreciated) the key is to sell them first and then give the cash proceeds to Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East. You are likely to qualify to benefit tax-wise in two ways – you can take both the loss deduction and the charitable deduction.
The Smart Way to Give Appreciated Stock
For stocks that have increased in value (appreciated), the key to receiving tax savings is to donate the shares directly to Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East. You receive a double tax benefit by:

  • Avoiding capital gains on the profit you’ve gained, and
  • Receiving a full tax deduction for the fair market value of your gift.

Making a stock gift is easy! Simply use the brokerage information below.
For gifts of appreciated securities, please provide your broker with the following information to facilitate the transfer of shares:

Tax ID: 93-0801200
Broker: Merrill Lynch
DTC Number: 5198
Account Number: 5F4-50X87
Account Name: Habitat for Humanity Portland
Phone: 1-800-926-1111
Please remind your broker to include your name, contact information, and any special instructions for use of the gift with your transfer, otherwise we will not know who the stock donation came from. To expedite the processing of your gift, we suggest that you contact us with information about the type of stock and number of shares, as well as any special considerations you may have. Please direct information about your gift and any other questions to Erika Read at 503-287-9529 x16 or by email at erika@habitatportlandmetro.org.

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