Where will you go?

How does a $25 round-trip flight for two sound? In support of our annual auction, we’re hosting an Alaska Airlines raffle that will give one lucky winner the travel deal of a lifetime! Each raffle ticket sold goes directly towards providing affordable homeownership opportunities for local families earning a low-income.

The winner will have their choice of going any where Alaska flies…Hawaii or Alaska, New York City or San Francisco, even Costa Rica! If you win our Airline Tickets Raffle (a prize valued at $2,500), you and a guest could be flying round-trip to 115+ destinations across the Western Hemisphere on any of the 1,200 daily flights that Alaska Airlines offers.

The winner does not need to be present to claim their prize. A total of 400 tickets will be sold, so each ticket has a 1/400 chance to win!Winner will receive 2 coach round trip tickets system wide on Alaska Airlines. We’ll announce the winner at the end of our Hard Hat & Black Tie Dinner and Auction on October 4, 2019. Transportation is valid on Alaska Airlines and Virgin America; no blackout dates applied. Vouchers need to be ticketed prior to their expiration date of 10/4/2020.

*Purchaser must be in the state of Oregon at the time of the raffle sale.

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