Willamette Week Give!Guide Features Habitat in 2011 Giving Campaign

With much anticipation, Habitat is pleased to announce that we again featured as one of the 100 local nonprofits participating in the 2011 Give!Guide hosted by the Willamette Week. Aimed at new donors under 35 years old, the Give!Guide offers sweet incentives for donors and directs attention to local nonprofits. Featured under the Social Action catergory, Habitat is offering our own incentive for those who make a gift through the Give!Guide. Donate $100 or more to Habitat by midnight on December 31, and receive a Habitat ornament and be entered into a drawing for a $100 Ikea gift card!

To make your donations go even further, all donations made to Habitat will be matched by Acme Construction Supply, Co., up to $15,000! The 2011 Give!Guide catalog and website is published on Wednesday, November 9, and runs until midnight on December 31, 2011.

Donate to Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East through the Willamette Week Give!Guide and you win in a variety of ways:

  • Habitat will automatically enter you to win cool prizes, like $100 to Ikea!
  • Willamette Week will give you awesome prizes, like Stumptown coffee and Widmer Beer!
  • Habitat will mail you a keepsake ornament to keep for yourself or give as a gift.
  • You are helping to build your community, right here in the Portland Metro area, making poverty housing unacceptable!

Why Donate?

Oregon has recently been ranked number 1 for child hunger in the US, by the US Department of Agriculture.  What does this have to do with Habitat?  One of the main reasons children go hungry is because of the high cost of rent.  Portland families are scrambling to keep a roof over their heads, and food sometimes comes second or third on the list.
Habitat is the solution to this housing crisis. Offering homeownership to hardworking low-income families with a 0%-interest mortgage after completing 500 sweat equity hours, Habitat is revitalizing whole neighborhoods, giving families a hand up, not a hand out.  But the need is greater than ever before.  There has been over a 100%  increase in qualified families coming to Habitat for help. The need keeps growing; we will keep building. But we need your help!

*Habitat ornaments and Ikea gift card drawing is eligible for donations of $100 or more to Habitat for Humanity made through the Willamette Week’s 2011 Give!Guide. Winner will be notified in January 2012.

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