Win Alaska Airlines tickets at the HopeBuilder Breakfast

You will have a chance to win a FREE pair of Alaska Airlines tickets just by attending our virtual HopeBuilder Breakfast, featuring keynote speaker Ann Curry, on April 28th. All those who watch at 8am will be entered into a drawing for 2 Alaska Airlines tickets. The winner will have their choice of going anywhere Alaska flies…Hawaii or Alaska, New York City or San Francisco, even Costa Rica! If you win the airline tickets (a prize valued at $2,500), you and a guest could be flying round-trip to 115+ destinations across the Western Hemisphere on any of the daily flights that Alaska Airlines offers. Reserve your free ticket today to our HopeBuilder Breakfast.

Grab your morning coffee and learn about Habitat for Humanity’s work across the Portland region. You’ll have the chance to hear from award-winning journalist Ann Curry, meet Habitat homeowners, and have the opportunity to support the building and repairing of more than 115 homes this year in Portland, Beaverton, and Hillsboro.

Register for FREE today for this important event and encourage others to join as well!

Plane tickets must be booked by October 2021; the travel date is your choice. 

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