Individual Donations
Donate Online
Make a donation today in support of local, affordable homeownership opportunities.
Stocks & Mutual Funds
A gift of stock or mutual funds before December 31 could be your best way to maximize tax savings and meet your charitable giving goals this year.
Legacy Giving
The Legacy Society recognizes forward-thinking friends who make arrangements to benefit Habitat for Humanity beyond their lifetime.
Donate by Mail or Phone
To donate by phone or wire transfer, please call 503-287-9529 x1403. To donate by mail please send your check made out to Habitat for Humanity Portland Region and mail to:
1478 NE Killingsworth St.
Portland, OR 97211
Business Donations
Community Partner
Your company’s financial gift creates more affordable homeownership opportunities in the Portland region.
Workplace Giving
Habitat for Humanity Portland Region partners with many companies that match their employees’ and retirees’ contributions and/or have workplace giving programs.
Event Sponsorship
Annual events offer a unique opportunity to make your contribution to Habitat in a meaningful and exciting way.
Donate Goods
Cars for Homes
Got an oldie in your driveway? Your car donation can help Habitat build more affordable homes.
Put your used goods to good use! Our ReStores use your new and used items to raise funds to help Habitat for Humanity build more affordable homes.